About Ferns


What ... ?

A fern is part of a group of plants classified in the Division Pteridophyta. This class of nonflowering vascular plants reproduce by spores and possess true roots, stems, and complex leaves. There are an estimated 10-15,000 known species of ferns that are classified into about 40 different families. Ferns are among one of the oldest plants, dating back to hundreds of millions of years ago.

Ferns tend to grow successfully in tropical climates. They are diverse and different from any other plants in terms of their habitat, form, and reproductive methods. Ferns can be filmy plants that reach only about 0.39-0.47 inches tall to huge fern trees sizing at about 30 to 80 feet tall.

how ...?

Even though most ferns used for indoor culture are native to the tropics or subtropics, they for the most part prefer a cool temperature and a high level of moisture in the air (humidity). Thirty percent humidity is about as low a level as a fern can tolerate. Forty to 50 percent humidity is a more desirable range.

Nighttime temperatures for ferns should be on the cool side, preferably below 60°F. Daytime temperatures should not be above 72° and preferably cooler.

When ferns are grown outdoors during summer, they should be located in the cooler areas of the garden, usually in deep shade or on the north side of the house or a garden structure. Never expose ferns to full sun in summer.

